Medici Specialisti PSIHIATRIE in Danemarca (cursurile de lb danezaa au loc in Danemarca)

🟥 PSYCHIATRIST position with LANGUAGE COURSE IN DENMARK with salary  - application deadline: 4 September We have a new tender opening in Central Denmark for psychiatrists with a LANGUAGE COURSE IN DENMARK with salary* already from the start!    This means that after a successful online interview and in-person interview, the candidates can relocate to Denmark and start learning […]


  Brains Consulting is recruiting:   Specialty Doctors and Consultants - UK   Requirements: Should you have: -    Advanced level of English language OR valid IELTS / OET certificate -    Must hold full #GMC Registration with a license to practice / Contact us today to find out how you can earn up to £110,000 per […]

Carers- The Netherlands

🟥 Healthcare Assistants/ Carers- The Netherlands   + FREE Dutch  language course (A1-B1) from English language   Note: the Dutch language course starts in 7th of October  2024!   The Netherlands has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. This Dutch client, with whom we collaborate with, is looking for health care assistants […]

Interviu angajare Asistenți Medicali Generaliști - intrebări și răspunsuri

Interviu angajare Asistenți Medicali Generaliști -  intrebări și răspunsuri Iată o listă de întrebări frecvente pentru interviul de angajare al asistenților medicali generaliști, împreună cu exemple de răspunsuri:   1. De ce ai ales să devii asistent medical generalist? Răspuns: "Am ales această profesie deoarece am o pasiune pentru a ajuta oamenii și am vrut […]

INFIRMIERI/ Îngrijitori - Olanda

Brains Consulting recruteaza:   🟥 INFIRMIERI/ Îngrijitori - Olanda   ➕ curs GRATUIT de lb. olandeza din limba engleza ➕ beneficii   ATENTIE! Cursurile incep in 7 Octombrie 2024!   Olanda are unul dintre cele mai bune sisteme de sănătate din lume. Acest client olandez cu care colaborăm, caută INFIRMIERI/ Îngrijitori care să lucreze în […]

NURSE S - The Netherlands

Brains Consulting is recruiting:   🔴 NURSES to work in The Netherlands   + FREE Dutch  language course (A1-B1) from English language   Note: the Dutch language course starts in 7th of October 2024!   Brains Consulting is currently recruiting nurses to work in the Netherlands. A great opportunity, with excellent financial support for those […]

Asistenti Medicali - OLANDA ➕ curs GRATUIT de lb. olandeza ➕ beneficii

🔴 Asistenti Medicali - OLANDA 🔴   ➕ curs GRATUIT de lb. olandeza din limba engleza ➕ beneficii   ATENTIE! Cursurile incep in 7 Octombrie 2024!     Brains Consulting recrutează în prezent asistenti medicali generalisti care să lucreze în Olanda. O oportunitate excelentă, cu sprijin financiar excelent pentru cei care își încep viața profesională […]


🟥 PSYCHIATRIST position with LANGUAGE COURSE IN DENMARK with salary  - application deadline: 4 September We have a new tender opening in Central Denmark for psychiatrists with a LANGUAGE COURSE IN DENMARK with salary* already from the start!    This means that after a successful online interview and in-person interview, the candidates can relocate to Denmark and start learning […]


Brains Consulting is recruiting: 🟥 Health & Social Care Assistants  - IRELAND   ➡️ Location: Ireland, Nationwide    ➡️ Job Title: Health & Social Care Assistants  The positions are for social care workers and/or carers. The most important thing is that the candidates must have experience working with ASD= Autism / ID = Intellectual disability AND that […]

Specialists Doctors - Denmark – + Free Online Danish courses

  BRAINS CONSULTING is recruiting Specialists doctors in Denmark (various locations in Denmark)   in the following specializations: 📌Radiology 📌Emergency Medicine 📌Dentistry (Owner Position) 📌Psychiatry 📌General and Forensic Psychiatry 📌Gyneacology (Hospital) 📌Urology 📌Breast Surgery 📌Pulmonology 📌Neurology 📌Neprology 📌Cardiology 📌Gastroenterology 📌Geriatrics   You are: - Specialist doctor, with Medicine Diploma in a EU-country - you have […]

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Brains Consulting SRL
str. J.H. Pestalozzi, nr. 3-5, cam 207
Timisoara, Romania

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Timisoara, Romania

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