Strategies and Resources to Combat Burnout in Sustainability Professionals

🟥 Strategies and Resources to Combat Burnout in Sustainability Professionals   In the demanding field of sustainability, professionals often face high levels of stress and the risk of burnout. Balancing the urgency of environmental issues with the pressures of daily work can be challenging. This article explores essential strategies and resources to help sustainability professionals […]


📌ANESTHESIOLOGISTS - Ireland - Consultants & Specialist Doctors)   We have several vacancies for ANESTHESIOLOGISTS for an important Group of Hospitals in Ireland: ✅ ANESTHESIOLOGISTS Specialist doctors and Consultants for a big Hospital in North Dublin County ✅ ANESTHESIOLOGISTS Specialist Doctors and Consultant Doctors with experience, in other 2 Hospitals in the Group (in the […]


📌EMERGENCY MEDICINE DOCTORS - Ireland - (Consultants & Specialist Doctors)   We have several vacancies for EMERGENCY MEDICINE doctors for an important Group of Hospitals in Ireland: ✅ EMERGENCY MEDICINE Specialist doctors and Consultants for a big Hospital in North Dublin County ✅ EMERGENCY MEDICINE Specialist Doctors and Consultant Doctors with experience, in Hospitals in […]

Java Senior Software Engineer - Bucharest, Romania

🟥 Java Senior Software Engineer - Bucharest, Romania   We are looking for a Senior Software Engineer to join the team in Bucharest, Romania.   Remuneration: Java Senior Software Engineer - $ 60 000 USD - 84 000 USD $ gross/year   Your Role As a Senior Software Engineer, you will be working within an […]

FREELANCE RECRUITER - for Medical Recruitment projects

🔴 FREELANCE RECRUITER 🔴   for Medical Recruitment projects   We say HELLO to you! We are Brains Consulting, a professional recruitment company, involved in large international projects, especially in the Medical and IT domains! For our clients, we provide Medical Professionals all over Europe! As a recruitment agency, we are eager to grow– to […]

Farmacişti - UK

🟥 Farmacişti - UK   BRAINS CONSULTING este bucuroasă să anunțe recrutarea de farmaciști formați în UE pentru a se alătura NHS in UK ✅ Acesta oferta este pentru un NHS Trust de pe colCoasta de Est a Marii Britanii, care caută 5 Farmaciști. ✅ interviurile vor avea loc în prima săptămână a lunii iulie […]

Pharmacists - UK

  🟥 Pharmacists to work in the UK   BRAINS CONSULTING is happy to announce its recruitment of EU-trained Pharmacists to join the NHS! please find our latest set of vacancies for EU trained pharmacists that wish to work in the UK. ✅ This is for a very nice NHS trust in the East coast […]

NURSES with PAEDRIATIC EXPERIENCE to work in a community setting - IRELAND

  🟥 NURSES with PAEDRIATIC EXPERIENCE to work in a community setting - IRELAND   - Location: Nationwide - Job Title: Community Nurse - Employment Type: Permanent Full Time - Job Title: Community Nurse - Reporting To: Nurse reports directly to the Nurse Manager or designate - Purpose of Role: Work within a community setting […]

Medici absolvenți si Medici rezidenți - Germania 🔴

🔴 Medici absolvenți si Medici rezidenți - Germania 🔴   Pentru mai multe spitale din Germania (Bavaria / Baden-Württemberg / Hesse / Renania de Nord-Westfalia / Saxonia Inferioară / Saxonia / Turingia / Brandenburg) căutăm: 🟥 Medici rezidenți Neurologie 🟥 Medici rezidenți Psihiatrie și psihoterapie 🟥 Medici rezidenți Anestezie ATI 🟥 Medici rezidenți Medicină internă, […]

Medici Specialisti - ELVETIA (partea germana sau partea franceza a Elvetiei)

  BRAINS CONSULTING recruteza:   Medici Specialisti/Consultanti pentru ELVETIA (partea germana sau partea franceza a Elvetiei)   Sunteti medic specialist si doriti sa lucrati in Elvetia? Avem oferte atat pentru partea germana a Elvetiei, cat si pentru partea franceza. Pentru clientii nostri, clinici si spitale, din domeniul public si privat din Elvetia, cautam medici:   […]

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Brains Consulting SRL
str. J.H. Pestalozzi, nr. 3-5, cam 207
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Timisoara, Romania

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