
3 Essential CV Tips to Secure More Interviews

🟥 3 Essential CV Tips to Secure More Interviews   Are you a Software Engineer seeking new job opportunities? Enhance your chances of getting interviews with these three crucial CV tips:   1. Highlight Your Tech Stack Avoid the common mistake of listing an overwhelming number of technologies. Instead, clearly emphasize the ones you excel […]

Elevate Your Career: Strategic Steps for Professional Development

Elevate Your Career: Strategic Steps for Professional Development   In today’s dynamic and competitive job market, professional development is crucial for maintaining relevance and progressing in your career. Whether you're just starting or are an experienced professional, investing in your career growth can unlock new opportunities, enhance your skills, and increase job satisfaction. Here are […]

Technology Recruitment in 2024: 12 Hiring Trends Shaping the Industry

  Technology Recruitment in 2024: 12 Hiring Trends Shaping the Industry   In the fast-paced tech industry of today, the competition to attract and retain exceptional software talent has never been fiercer. Companies face a dual challenge: navigating the evolving landscape of technology recruitment and ensuring they not only attract but also retain top-tier professionals. […]

Strategies and Resources to Combat Burnout in Sustainability Professionals

🟥 Strategies and Resources to Combat Burnout in Sustainability Professionals   In the demanding field of sustainability, professionals often face high levels of stress and the risk of burnout. Balancing the urgency of environmental issues with the pressures of daily work can be challenging. This article explores essential strategies and resources to help sustainability professionals […]

Medici Specialisti în Austria - informatii utile

  🔴 Medici Specialisti în Austria  - informatii utile -   În ultimii ani, pe piața forței de muncă din Europa în domeniul medical se resimte o puternică schimbare în favoarea medicilor care doresc sa își desfășoare activitatea în Austria. Din 2019, datorită creșterilor salariale, venitul unui medic specialist din Austria poate depăși, în funcție […]

CURSURI LIMBI STRAINE - prin partenerul nostru Andreea Berkhout Academy

Plănuiești să-ți practici profesia în străinătate? Suntem aici să ajutăm. Alătură-te Academiei Andreea Berkhout!   Un brand recunoscut în România și în străinătate, rezultat al peste 20 de ani de predare, atât în sistemul public cât și în cel privat de învățământ, Academia Andreea Berkhout este o instituție de învățământ specializată în examene internaționale de […]

Specialist Doctors and Consultants Jobs in the UK without IELTS/OET

  Specialist Doctors and Consultants Jobs in the UK without IELTS-OET   If you are a Specialist Doctor proficient in English but lack the time to prepare for and achieve the required scores in the IELTS/OET exams, we can still facilitate a phone/Skype interview with British employers for you.   Successful candidates may find assistance […]

Top 7 skills Employers look for in the IT sector in 2023

    Top 7 skills Employers look for in the IT sector in 2023   The information technology (IT) sector is one of the most dynamic and innovative sectors in the world and is projected to grow by 11% from 2023 to 2032, faster than the average for all occupations. The IT sector encompasses a […]

Why am I being rejected by companies?

    Why am I being rejected by companies?   Job hunting can be a challenging and sometimes disheartening process, especially when you face repeated rejections from companies. If you find yourself wondering why you're consistently being turned down for jobs, there could be several factors at play. Understanding these potential reasons can help you […]

Our best tips for your next online interview!

  Our best tips for your next online interview!   In today's digital age, online interviews have become increasingly common in the hiring process. Whether you're a recent graduate looking for your first job or a seasoned professional seeking a career change, mastering the art of the online interview is essential. To help you succeed, […]

Recomandări de la Clienții și Candidații noștri

Dragos N. - Infrastructure Engineer - Telecom Company

"Brains Consulting has been a great advocate, far from the average IT staffing and placement organization."

Adrian. C - Fullstack Developer

"BRAINS CONSULTING is definitely a consultancy company that goes beyond just consulting, they help people chase their goals and dreams. I had no idea what to expect at first, but then I found a very committed company focused in helping me get my job!"


"We have a good working relationship with Brains Consulting and they always put every effort in to filling our Nursing and HCA positions . They have an honest and open approach to recruitment services"


" I have found Brains Consulting to be responsive, very engaging in their approach and quality-focused. I would have no hesitation in recommending the services of Brains to any prospective customers."

James Chinchen – Managing Director - James Lewis, UK

"Our collaboration with Brains Consulting is already old, being with us for over 6 years in recruitment projects in the field of specialists in transportation! Every time the Brains Consulting team approached each project with great seriousness, trying to send the best applications. I have nothing but appreciation for the collaboration with Brains so that we can continue to have many beautiful recruitment projects together!"

Ioana Radulescu, Head of Recruitment - DON UITZENDGROEP, Netherlands

“ Brains Consulting is a very dedicated and responsible company. We really appreciated the ability to connect with people and find the professionals we needed. We recommend Brains for any challenging project where you need skilled workers from different sectors because they are really good at solving problems. It has been a good experience working together! “

Deirdre Hennessy, Managing Director - OSP Recruitment, Ireland

"I first met with Adelina online, at the height of the Pandemic. From our very first meeting, she has been so honest, helpful and an absolute lady to work with. I have worked with Adelina now on many projects, and I would not hesitate to recommend Brains Consulting. They truly are a person centered company, and will always deliver a wonderful service.
To anyone seeking recruitment services, I highly recommend Brains Consulting. Adelina and her team are an absolute pleasure to work with."

Nik Nielsen, Manager - BWB Flex B.V.

„ As we’re growing to a higher number and quality of people, every day, Brains Consulting is one of the pillar stones that helped us in developing and becoming a more powerful agency. Since our collaboration started, back in the first months of 2018, they provided qualified and trustworthy workers in the construction field. They have access to a wide audience, and we hired tens of people from their recommendations. Weekly they present new people with experiences varying from Painters, Drywallers to Carpenters and Shuttering Carpenters. There is a good connexion between us and furthermore, the future will let us grow together. If you need workers, Brains Consulting is an efficient go-to agency, which we gladly recommend”

Guillaume Bernard, Manager - Agisante

„We have been working with Adelina TIRIZIU of BRAINS CONSULTING since 2012. She has a great network in Romania and this is what matters to us the most as our clients are facing a critical lack of healthcare professionals. Thus, finding adequate candidates is key to success for them and therefore for us.”



Brains Consulting SRL
str. J.H. Pestalozzi, nr. 3-5, cam 207
Timisoara, Romania

sediul social:
str. Dreptatea, nr.16, ap. 11
Timisoara, Romania

Email: office @
Phone: 0040 729 478762

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