🟥 Strategies and Resources to Combat Burnout in Sustainability Professionals In the demanding field of sustainability, professionals often face high levels of stress and the risk of burnout. Balancing the urgency of environmental issues with the pressures of daily work can be challenging. This article explores essential strategies and resources to help sustainability professionals […]
🔴 Medici Specialisti în Austria - informatii utile - În ultimii ani, pe piața forței de muncă din Europa în domeniul medical se resimte o puternică schimbare în favoarea medicilor care doresc sa își desfășoare activitatea în Austria. Din 2019, datorită creșterilor salariale, venitul unui medic specialist din Austria poate depăși, în funcție […]
Plănuiești să-ți practici profesia în străinătate? Suntem aici să ajutăm. Alătură-te Academiei Andreea Berkhout! Un brand recunoscut în România și în străinătate, rezultat al peste 20 de ani de predare, atât în sistemul public cât și în cel privat de învățământ, Academia Andreea Berkhout este o instituție de învățământ specializată în examene internaționale de […]
Specialist Doctors and Consultants Jobs in the UK without IELTS-OET If you are a Specialist Doctor proficient in English but lack the time to prepare for and achieve the required scores in the IELTS/OET exams, we can still facilitate a phone/Skype interview with British employers for you. Successful candidates may find assistance […]
Top 7 skills Employers look for in the IT sector in 2023 The information technology (IT) sector is one of the most dynamic and innovative sectors in the world and is projected to grow by 11% from 2023 to 2032, faster than the average for all occupations. The IT sector encompasses a […]
Why am I being rejected by companies? Job hunting can be a challenging and sometimes disheartening process, especially when you face repeated rejections from companies. If you find yourself wondering why you're consistently being turned down for jobs, there could be several factors at play. Understanding these potential reasons can help you […]
Our best tips for your next online interview! In today's digital age, online interviews have become increasingly common in the hiring process. Whether you're a recent graduate looking for your first job or a seasoned professional seeking a career change, mastering the art of the online interview is essential. To help you succeed, […]
Join this webinar: Working as a vet in the UK Tuesday April 11-th, 20.00 CET For any veterinarian who graduated from an EAEVE approved University. Click here to register: https://shk.cx/Y5OP IVC Evidensia's Area Director Jack Beeson-Smith and his foreign team members will share their experience and will tell you all about different clinics, […]
Here are 10 reasons why software engineers may leave a company: 1. Lack of career growth and development opportunities 2. Poor management or lack of leadership 3. Insufficient compensation or benefits compared to industry standards 4. Uninteresting or unchallenging work 5. Poor work-life balance or unreasonable expectations 6. Unpleasant work environment or company culture […]
How to plan your career in 2023 Planning your career path in 2023 can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. Here are some helpful tips to get you started: 1. Take a look at your current skill set and determine what areas you would like to develop or enhance 2. Research job […]
DOCTORS IN IRELAND IMC Registration step- by- step Any doctor wishing to practise medicine in the Republic of Ireland must register with the Medical Council. It is an offence to practise within the State while unregistered, with the exception of administering first aid or visiting European Economic Area (EEA) registered doctors attending in […]
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