
DOCTORS in IRELAND The Registration Process at IMC (Irish Medical Council)

  DOCTORS in IRELAND The Registration Process at IMC (Irish Medical Council)   Brains Consulting and our Partners would like to help all our doctors with this procedure for the registration at IMC. We can ONLY help those that are qualified as a doctor and/or as a specialist inside the European Union (EU) regardless of […]

Join this webinar: Working as a vet in the UK Tuesday April 11-th, 20.00 CET

  Join this webinar: Working as a vet in the UK Tuesday April 11-th, 20.00 CET   For any veterinarian who graduated from an EAEVE approved University. Click here to register: IVC Evidensia's Area Director Jack Beeson-Smith and his foreign team members will share their experience and will tell you all about different clinics, […]

TOP 10 reasons why software engineers leave a company in 2023

  Here are 10 reasons why software engineers may leave a company: 1. Lack of career growth and development opportunities 2. Poor management or lack of leadership 3. Insufficient compensation or benefits compared to industry standards 4. Uninteresting or unchallenging work 5. Poor work-life balance or unreasonable expectations 6. Unpleasant work environment or company culture […]

How to plan your career in 2023

  How to plan your career in 2023 Planning your career path in 2023 can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. Here are some helpful tips to get you started: 1. Take a look at your current skill set and determine what areas you would like to develop or enhance 2. Research job […]

Our top 10 recruiting platforms with AI in 2023

  Our top 10 recruiting platforms with AI in 2023 There are a number of recruiting platforms out there that use artificial intelligence (AI) to help streamline the recruiting process.   Our top 10 recruiting platforms with AI in 2023: 1. Lever 2. Recruitee 3. Jobvite 4. Talenya 5. AI Recruiter 6. SmartRecruiters 7. AI […]


Are you looking for a new professional challenge or your first job? Whether you are a beginner or an experienced job seeker, job hunting can be quite demanding.   Here’s our quick guide to how to organise your job hunt. 1. Write the good CV Design a clear and visually appealing structure of your CV. […]

Recunoasterea diplomelor medicale in UK in 2023

Articol preluat de la Partenerul nostrum Andreea Berkhout Academy Profesiile medicale recunoscute semiautomat de catre guvernul britanic includ asistentii medicali (NMC), medicii(GMC), dentistii(GDC), farmacistii(GPhC), fizioterapeutii si celelalte specializari reglementate de HCPC. Profesionistii din domeniu care sunt calificati in EEA si Elvetia beneficiaza de aceasta recunoastere semiautomata, care presupune ca li se vor cere doar examene […]

Cum decurge un interviu pentru un job in IT&C

  Un interviu tehnic pentru un job in IT&C este la fel ca oricare interviu de HR. Initial se urmaresc aceleasi aspecte generale ca pentru oricare alta pozitie: • de ce si-a ales acest domeniu; • ce il motiveazia pe candidat; • de ce doreste o schimbare in cariera; • ce asteptiari are de la […]

10 Instrumente Tech ce va pot ajuta sa obtineti rezultate excelente in recrutare

  Procesul de recrutare și angajare devine tot mai simplu … și mai complicat pe zi ce trece. Cum este posibil? Un cuvânt: tehnologie. Ca recrutor, aveți opțiunea de a vă face munca mai ușoară utilizând toate instrumentele potrivite. Ele vă ajută să alegeți candidații potriviți și să eliminați costurile unei recrutări necorespunzătoare. Cu toate […]


If you have not worked with a recruitment agency before, you may have a lot of questions about what can you expect in general from such a collaboration, also, which specific agency to choose and how.   So, here are the main questions you need to ask before making a final decision.   Do you […]

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Brains Consulting SRL
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