Brains Consulting is recruiting: 🔴DENTISTS - The Netherlands + FREE online Dutch language courses from English❗️ URGENT APPLY: ONLY 2 seats for this group! !!! ✅ Dutch language courses in English will start on 20th of January 2025! Deadline for CV application: 13th of of January 2025! Job Description GENERAL DENTIST: ➡️ […]
🟥 Pharmacien Spécialisé- France ➡️ Lieux de travail : France ➡️ Régions : Centre ➡️ RESPONSABILITÉS Pour notre client, un Centre Hospitalier, nous recherchons 3 pharmaciens. L'équipe actuelle est composée de 5 pharmaciens. ➡️ Les profils de poste que nous recherchons sont orientés sur les secteurs suivants : • Pharmacotechnie • Pharmacie Clinique • […]
🟥 Manipulateur en Radiologie - France ➡️ CH Public, Lorraine, France ➡️ Status: Salarié du secteur public Nous recherchons Un/Une Manipulateur/Manipulatrice en radiologie, pour notre client, un CH public en région Lorraine, non loin de NANCY. ➡️ Avantage : logement fourni pour les premiers 3 mois. ➡️ Rémunération : Selon expérience, entre […]
Brains Consulting recruteaza: 🔴 ASISTENTI MEDICALI in IRLANDA 🔴 ❗️❗️cu experienta in sectie de Pediatrie sau Neonatologie ❗️❗️ ➡️ Despre Angajator; Angajatorul oferă servicii de îngrijire medicala la domiciliul copiilor și adulților cu nevoi medicale complexe. Aceste servicii includ suport ventilator invaziv și neinvaziv, îngrijirea traheostomiei, etc. Majoritatea pacienților (90%) sunt copii (cu […]
🟥 🔍 Oportunități de Carieră pentru MEDICI SPECIALIȘTI în Spitale private și Clinici Medicale de Top din București! ➡️ Dacă ești medic specialist și dorești să faci parte din echipe de elită în cadrul unor spitale și clinici private de renume, avem vești excelente pentru tine! 🌟 Avem poziții deschise pentru multe specialități medicale […]
Brains Consulting is recruiting: 🟥 Urologist - Sweden Urology position in the Hospital in region Gävleborg / Sweden ➡️ Qualification required - Licensed Specialist in Urology. Educated in EU or recognized and having at least 3 years of experience in an EU-country. ➡️ Description of work at the actual clinic and […]
🔴 NURSES IN IRELAND 🔴 with experience in Paediatric Department or Neonatal Department ➡️ Who is the Employer The Employer provides nursing care in the home to children and adults with complex medical needs. These needs include invasive and non-invasive ventilatory support, tracheostomy care, TPN etc. The aim of the service is to […]
BRAINS CONSULTING is recruiting: Pathology Specialist Doctors - - Denmark + Free Online Danish courses Where? You will work in a highly specialized oncology department in Denmark. Cooperation and development is highly valued at the department. In order to strengthen development, doctors, nurses, secretaries and other employees are offered a great amount of further education. […]
BRAINS CONSULTING is recruiting: PLASTIC SURGERY Specialist Doctors - - Denmark + Free Online Danish courses Where? Position prospect at a university hospital's plastic- and breast surgery department in one of the biggest cities in Denmark in the countryside. Apply now if you are: - Specialization in plastic surgery is a must, having research […]
BRAINS CONSULTING recrute: 🟥 Gynécologues – France et Belgique Gynécologue-Obstétricien. ✅ Hôpital Public de Lorraine proche de Metz et du Luxembourg +/- 5K€ net ✅ Cher/Centre France - hébergement gratuit pendant 2 ans l +/- 7,5K€ net ✅ Région Nancy/ +/- 5K€ net ✅ Vosgue, France - Maternité niveau 1 (sans néonatalogie) […]
Intrebări și răspunsuri interviu angajare Medici Stomatologi Iată câteva întrebări și răspunsuri pe care le poți folosi pentru un interviu de angajare pentru Dentiști: 1. De ce ați ales stomatologia ca profesie? Răspuns: "Am ales stomatologia pentru că îmi oferă oportunitatea de a combina știința cu arta în îngrijirea sănătății orale. Îmi place […]
Brains Consulting SRL
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Timisoara, Romania
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