
PULMONOLOGY Specialist Doctors - Denmark

BRAINS CONSULTING is recruiting:   PULMONOLOGY Specialist Doctors - Denmark – + Free Online Danish courses   Where? You will work in a specialized hospital department in Denmark, with stable surroundings, attractive working conditions, possibilities for professional development and a better work-life balance. It’s situated in a beautiful natural environment, with many wonders and the […]

RHEUMATOLOGY Specialist Doctors - Denmark

BRAINS CONSULTING is recruiting: RHEUMATOLOGY Specialist Doctors - Denmark – + Free Online Danish courses   Where? You will have the chance to work at a brand-new clinic in one of Denmark‘s largest cities! The layout of the clinic is planned to be approximately 500 m² with a lobby and reception, 2 treatment rooms, the […]

Specialist Doctor - PSYCHIATRY - Denmark – + FREE Online Danish courses

Brains Consulting is recruiting:   Specialist Doctor - PSYCHIATRY - Denmark – + FREE Online Danish courses   Where? You will work in a highly specialized psychiatry department in Denmark’s pubic healthcare sector. The department is managing the psychiatric treatment of citizens of its area with 213.000 inhabitants. Teamwork and patient-oriented perspective is highly appreciated […]


  BRAINS CONSULTING is recruiting ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY in  Denmark Where? You will work in a highly specialised hospital in Region Nordjylland with attractive working conditions, possibilities for professional development, a better work-life balance, and a future prospect in one of Europe’s top welfare states, in Scandinavia. You will have excellent opportunities to participate or even […]

Specialist Doctor - PATHOLOGY- Denmark + Free Online Danish courses

 BRAINS CONSULTING is recruiting: Specialist Doctor - PATHOLOGYy Denmark  + Free Online Danish courses   Where? You will work in a highly specialized pathology department in Denmark’s Capital Region. You will have a chance to work at a hospital with stable surroundings, attractive working conditions, possibilities for professional development, a better work-life balance and a […]

Neurologist - Denmark + Free Online Danish courses

  Neurologist - Denmark – + Free Online Danish courses Where? BRAINS CONSULTING is recruiting Neurologidt Doctor in  Denmark You will work in a highly specialised hospital in Central Jutland with attractive working conditions, possibilities for professional development, a better work-life balance, and a future prospect in one of Europe’s top welfare states, in Scandinavia. […]

Medici RADIOLOGI - Danemarca

Brains Consulting is recruiting:   Specialized in Radiology + Free Online Danish courses   Where? You will work in a highly specialized radiology department in Denmark’s pubic healthcare sector. The radiology department works with image-guided diagnostic and therapeutic procedures ranging from ultrasound, to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) scan and X-rays besides many […]

Specialists Doctors - Denmark – + Free Online Danish courses

Specialists Doctors - Denmark – + Free Online Danish courses Where? BRAINS CONSULTING is recruiting specialists doctors in Denmark (various locations in Denmark), in the following specializations: Radiology Pathology Emergency Medicine Psychiatry Gyneacology (Hospital) Breast Surgery Anaesthesiology Pulmonology Neurology Paediatrics Endocrinology Cardiology Gastroenterology Geriatrics You are: - Specialist doctor with Medicine Diploma in a EU-country […]

General Dentists and Dentist couples for private clinics- Denmark

  BRAINS CONSULTING is recruiting:   General Dentists and Dentist couples for private clinics- Denmark – + Free Online Danish courses   Where? You will become a clinic owner in one of Europe’s top welfare states, in Scandinavia, which will provide great financial potentials. You will work in your private dental clinic in Denmark with […]

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Intrebări și răspunsuri interviu angajare Medici Stomatologi

Intrebări  și  răspunsuri interviu angajare Medici Stomatologi   Iată câteva întrebări și răspunsuri pe care le poți folosi pentru un interviu de angajare pentru Dentiști:   1. De ce ați ales stomatologia ca profesie? Răspuns: "Am ales stomatologia pentru că îmi oferă oportunitatea de a combina știința cu arta în îngrijirea sănătății orale. Îmi place […]

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Brains Consulting SRL
str. J.H. Pestalozzi, nr. 3-5, cam 207
Timisoara, Romania

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str. Dreptatea, nr.16, ap. 11
Timisoara, Romania

Email: office @ brainsconsulting.ro
Phone: 0040 729 478762

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