Employer Branding
The way a company's brand is seen on the job market has an important impact on the employability it has..
The way a company's brand is seen on the job market has an important impact on the employability it has. Depending on how well the brand image is ranked as an employer, it will perform more or less efficient recruitment and employment actions. We will teach you how to create a Career Page on the company's website.
We will determine what the strengths are, what is the level of presence on social media platforms, and then develop promoting strategies using stories or testimonials from within the company to build an authentic employer brand reputation.
We will evaluate the internal value of the brand and we will propose brand training programs, the final goal being to establish the value of the brand both inside the company and outside it.
If you have questions about Brains Consulting services or you want complete assistance in human resources? Please contact us!
Brains Consulting SRL
str. J.H. Pestalozzi, nr. 3-5, cam 207
Timisoara, Romania
sediul social:
str. Dreptatea, nr.16, ap. 11
Timisoara, Romania
Email: office @ brainsconsulting.ro
Phone: 0040 729 478762